Monday, February 28, 2011

Apply it to Me Monday

This morning was one of those for us where we found ourselves hungry for breakfast, but we were OUT of milk.  Our girls drink so much milk that it's hard to keep it in the house.  Normally for breakfast I strive to feed them a high fiber cereal.  At some point in my life I learned that if you eat fiber in the morning, it helps to off set some of the other bad things you may eat during the day.  Needless to say, without milk for cereal, this morning's breakfast was far from good nutrition.  I had to break out that yummy roll of cinnamon rolls that I honestly try to only do on Sunday mornings.  The girls did not mind one little bit, however.  They LOVE a good cinnamon roll. 

Just look at that face.
She is working hard to lick every bit of icing off her sweet little face.

So, while we're eating our yummy cinnamon rolls, I was reminded of the verse in Psalm 34:8.  It reads:

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him."

Verse 9 goes on to say:

"Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear Him lack nothing."

What a promise!  Those who truly fear and put their trust in God have nothing to fear.  These verses give me hope that I can be in the most desparate times of my life and still taste the Lord's goodness and trust Him to provide my every need.  He will deliver me from fear (v.4), save me from trouble (vv. 6, 17), send angels to encamp around me (v.7), supply my needs (v.9), give me abundant life (v. 12), hear my prayers (v. 15), comfort me with His presence (v. 18), and redeem me (v. 22).  My job is to put my hope and trust in Him with a willing heart to obey all that He would ask of me.  He does all the rest.

Is your hope in God today?  Are you faced with overwhelming circumstances?  Taste and see that the Lord is good!

~Josh and Jill

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